Degrowth: How to Make the World Poor­er, Pol­lut­ed and Mis­er­able

The left has a new goal: degrowth.
We should “buy less stuff,” for­give debts, grow our own food, etc.
They say this will “build a more just and sus­tain­able soci­ety” and “save the plan­et” from “cli­mate chaos.”
This idea is pop­u­lar with cap­i­tal­ism-haters.
One at a ChangeNow “eco con­fer­ence” says, “A small­er, slow­er econ­o­my could also be a sweet­er econ­o­my.”
A sweet­er econ­o­my? What non­sense.
We already unin­ten­tion­al­ly exper­i­ment­ed with “degrowth.”

Dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, fright­ened politi­cians closed busi­ness­es and ordered peo­ple to stay home.
Growth stopped.
“Did that save us?” asks …