He Once Thought Israel Did 9/11. Now He Says Jews Would Have ‘No Big­ger Ally’ If He’s Elect­ed To Con­gress.

He Once Thought Israel Did 9/11. Now He Says Jews Would Have ‘No Bigger Ally’ If He’s Elected To Congress.

As a polit­i­cal­ly active teenag­er in Ari­zona, Abra­ham Hamadeh had strong-held con­vic­tions when it came to Israel. The son of Syr­i­an immi­grants was a fre­quent poster on blogs devot­ed to the lib­er­tar­i­an polit­i­cal mav­er­ick Ron Paul, and his posts include out­landish, yet clear­ly seri­ous, claims against the Jew­ish state his rel­a­tives died fight­ing. 
An archive of posts viewed by The Dai­ly Wire reveal that a young Hamadeh in 2007 stat­ed that “Israeli Mossad” was respon­si­ble for tak­ing down New York City’s Twin Tow­ers, and that a “mis­sile hit the Pen­ta­gon.” He also made com­ments crit­i­ciz­ing Israel for respond­ing with force to …