GOP retreat with pal­try atten­dance does lit­tle to ease mem­ber infight­ing: ‘Waste of time’

GOP retreat with paltry attendance does little to ease member infighting: ‘Waste of time’

WEST SULPHUR SPRINGS, West Vir­ginia — As House Repub­li­cans left the annu­al GOP retreat Fri­day, they lament­ed dis­mal atten­dance that sul­lied hopes of push­ing out a strong and uni­fy­ing mes­sage. Cou­pled with reminders of par­ty infight­ing and a chaot­ic term, the con­fer­ence depart­ed West Vir­ginia on uneven foot­ing as they grap­pled with major issues ahead.
The House has faced a chaot­ic year under Repub­li­can con­trol with an oust­ed speak­er, par­ty infight­ing, and a grow­ing exo­dus of GOP mem­bers set for the end of 2024. While some Repub­li­can law­mak­ers are still con­fi­dent in their chances to grow their ever-nar­row­ing major­i­ty, oth­ers are wor­ried the GOP retreat in West Vir­gin …