Kamala Har­ris hosts mar­i­jua­na pan­el with Fat Joe as Biden push­es to reclas­si­fy the drug

Kamala Harris hosts marijuana panel with Fat Joe as Biden pushes to reclassify the drug

Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris host­ed rap­per Fat Joe and oth­ers at the White House for dis­cus­sions on the administration’s efforts to decrim­i­nal­ize mar­i­jua­na.
White House Direc­tor of Pub­lic Engage­ment Steve Ben­jamin and Gov. Andy Beshear (D‑KY) also took part in the dis­cus­sion, which comes as Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and Har­ris kick their reelec­tion cam­paign into over­drive.
Har­ris opened her remarks by first thank­ing Fat Joe and Beshear for “hav­ing the courage to chal­lenge cer­tain tra­di­tions and crit­i­cal­ly eval­u­ate whether what we’ve been doing is smart and what can we do to be smarter.”
“I believe that the promise of Amer­i­ca includes equal jus­tice under the law, and, for too many, our crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem has failed to live up to that core prin­ci­ple. I say that with full knowl­edge of how the sys­tem …