Louisiana Repub­li­cans pro­pose bills com­bat­ting poten­tial state gas-pow­ered vehi­cle ban

Louisiana Republicans propose bills combatting potential state gas-powered vehicle ban

Repub­li­can law­mak­ers in Louisiana are attempt­ing to pump the brakes on the poten­tial statewide ban on the sale of com­bus­tion engine vehi­cles by intro­duc­ing two bills that would block the restric­tion.
One of the bills was post­poned Thurs­day, while anoth­er is expect­ed to be dis­cussed next week in the state House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives, the Cen­ter Square report­ed.
Rep. Dodie Hor­ton pro­posed House Bill 515 in an effort to pro­hib­it the government’s restric­tion or lim­its on sell­ing cus­tomers gas-pow­ered vehi­cles. Horton’s bill would also ensure that the state’s Air Pol­lu­tant Emis­sion Con­trol pro­gram does not pro­hib­it res­i­dents from pur­chas­ing gas-pow­ered vehi­cles.
How­ev­er, Hor­ton said she would much rather lend her sup­port to the bill that was deferred, which was authored by Rep. Phillip Tarv­er, who owns a Toy­ota car deal­er­ship, accord­ing to the out­let.
Last year, the Nation­al High­way Traf­fic Safe­ty Admin­is­tra­tion released a pro­pos­al that, if appro …