No Shame: Tik­Tok Open­ly Brags About US Influ­ence Despite Ban Threats

No Shame: TikTok Openly Brags About US Influence Despite Ban Threats

Com­mu­nist Chi­nese gov­ern­ment-tied Tik­Tok bragged about the bil­lions of dol­lars it alleged­ly “con­tributed” to the U.S. econ­o­my even as Con­gress advances leg­is­la­tion aim­ing to ban it.
Tik­Tok unashamed­ly announced its con­tri­bu­tion of $24 bil­lion to the U.S. econ­o­my in 2023, accord­ing to a press release that ref­er­enced an Oxford Eco­nom­ics study (the press release appears to have been tak­en offline since). But this announce­ment came as con­tro­ver­sy sur­rounds TikTok’s Chi­na ties. The Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty (CCP) owns a board seat and main­tains a finan­cial stake in TikTok’s par­ent com­pa­ny ByteDance …