Cape­hart Hails Schumer’s ‘Incred­i­ble Speech’ Trash­ing Netanyahu

On Friday’s PBS New­sHour, Wash­ing­ton Post asso­ciate edi­tor Jonathan Cape­hart hailed Sen­ate Major­i­ty Leader Chuck Schumer’s “incred­i­ble speech” where he trashed Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu as an obsta­cle to peace and called for new Israeli elec­tions. His coun­ter­part, New York Times colum­nist David Brooks, tried to have it both ways, claim­ing he agreed with Schumer, but also that Schumer was help­ing Hamas.
Host Amna Nawaz asked Cape­hart, “Jonathan, you inter­viewed the pres­i­dent last week. You asked him about his re …