Maine’s Yel­low Flag law would have allowed sher­iff to seize shooter’s gun before he killed 18 peo­ple: Report

A pan­el report­ed that a Maine law could have allowed the sher­iff to seize the guns from a man who killed 18 peo­ple in a mass shoot­ing in Lewis­ton four months ear­li­er.
Gov. Janet Mills (D‑ME) and Attor­ney Gen­er­al Aaron Frey assem­bled the pan­el to issue a report on the Sagada­hoc Coun­ty Sheriff’s Office, par­tic­u­lar­ly when it came to the case of the late U.S. Army reservist Robert Card. Accord­ing to the pan­el, the office had the pre­rog­a­tive to act under Maine’s “yel­low flag” law, which allows for the con­fis­ca­tion of firearms from a per­son who is seen as a dan­ger to them­selves or the pub­lic fol­low­ing a med­ical assess­ment.
The law was passed in 2019 to sup­ple­ment the state’s own right to bear arms in its Con­sti­tu­tion. Last year, the state failed to pass laws on back­ground checks for pri­vate firearm sales or a 72-hour wait­ing peri­od before a firearm pur­chase.
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