NPR Host on Media Bias: ‘Can You Believe in Democ­ra­cy With­out Being Pro-Biden?’

<div>NPR Host on Media Bias: 'Can You Believe in Democracy Without Being Pro-Biden?'</div>

For­mer NPR All Things Con­sid­ered anchor David Greene per­formed a very pompous rhetor­i­cal dance on the lat­est pod­cast Left Right and Cen­ter out of San­ta Mon­i­ca NPR sta­tion KCRW. Greene is sup­pos­ed­ly the “Cen­ter,” but he’s a typ­i­cal left­ist, as you can see. The top­ic? “This elec­tion sea­son, will media learn from past mis­takes?”
We can all guess what that means: Will the media final­ly defeat Trump and stop hurt­ing the Democ­rats? Greene led off by claim­ing in 2016,  peo­ple didn’t take Trump seri­ous­ly, and so “the focus was real­ly on Hillary Clin­ton, this career politi­cian run­ning a flawed cam­paign, and the flaws were put on full dis­play in the media.” Peo­ple actu­al­ly claim Trump was­n’t fac­ing an all-out media war as they labored to pro­tect and pro­mote Mrs. Clin­ton. 
But 15 min­utes in – that’s where the pom­pos­i­ty broke out:

DAVID GREENE:  Here’s my ques­tion. I, as a jour­nal­ist, believe in democ­ra­cy. I sup­port democ­ra­cy. I am a — …