Reuters Ignores Biden, Fact Checks Baby­lon Bee

The Baby­lon Bee lives rent-free in the minds of too many jour­nal­ists.
How else do you describe con­stant fact checks on a site that churns out satir­i­cal news sto­ries a la The Onion?
USA Today once fact-checked a Bee piece say­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden sold Alas­ka to Rus­sia. Poli­ti­Fact ran to the scene after a Bee arti­cle claimed, “ISIS Lays Down Arms After Katy Perry’s Impas­sioned Plea To ‘Like, Just Co-Exist’”

Great work USA Today. Noth­ing like wast­ing your time. The Left has no sense of humor. But, they love anger.Incredible:USA Today fact checks The Baby­lon Bee’s “claim” that Ruth Bad­er Gins­burg’s death was over­turned by 9th cir­cuit court via @Not_the_Bee
— Kevin Sor­bo (@ksorbs) Sep­tem­ber 29, 2020

Snopes rou­tine­ly holds the Bee account­able for cre­at­ing Fake News sto­ries meant to make us laugh and think.
Now, it’s Reuters’ turn.
The once-neu­tr …