School dis­tricts under the spot­light for how they han­dle their social media accounts

School districts under the spotlight for how they handle their social media accounts

(The Cen­ter Square) – School dis­tricts around the coun­try are fac­ing issues with how they han­dle their social media accounts, and the debate has reached the U.S. Supreme Court.
Den­ver Pub­lic Schools recent­ly reviewed its social media pol­i­cy that doesn’t allow employ­ees to restrict com­ments on social media or lim­it who can see them.
The Den­ver school district’s pol­i­cy was reviewed ear­li­er this month by the school board and states that nei­ther the school, school board mem­bers, nor dis­trict employ­ees can restrict a person’s abil­i­ty to view, post, com­ment, restrict, or delete com­ments from any pub­lic social media pa …