Hamas, not Netanyahu, is the obsta­cle to peace, Bar­ras­so says in rebuff to Schumer

Hamas, not Netanyahu, is the obstacle to peace, Barrasso says in rebuff to Schumer

Sen. John Bar­ras­so (R‑WY) joined the num­ber of crit­ics Sen. Chuck Schumer (D‑NY) has received after sug­gest­ing Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu has “lost his way.”
Schumer made his remarks against Israel‘s prime min­is­ter on Thurs­day, sug­gest­ing that Israel hold new elec­tions. In a tele­vised appear­ance on Sun­day, Bar­ras­so stat­ed that Schumer should not be telling Israeli res­i­dents “who they get to vote for.”
“Schumer called Netanyahu an obsta­cle to peace,” Bar­ras­so said on Fox News’s Sun­day Morn­ing Futures with Maria Bar­tiro­mo. “The obsta­cle to peace is Hamas, the Hamas ter­ror­ists, the Hamas mur­der­ers, the Hamas rapists. Israel and the Unit­ed States have been clos­est of allies for decades. Israel has every right to defend itself, and Repub­li­cans and Democ­rats alike have been say­ing that in the Sen­ate.”

Bar­ras­so also spec­u­lat­ed that Schumer, along with Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, have “changed their mind about things” regard­ing their sup­port of Netanyahu. The Wyoming sen­a­tor stat­ed he believes the two have shift­ed their sup­port in order to appeal to “the rad­i­cals in their par­ty,” who do not sup­port Israel, as Biden is seek­ing anoth­er term …