PBS: Blame Con­ser­v­a­tive Crack­down on DEI for ‘Chill­ing Effect’ on Black Female Pro­fes­sors

PBS: Blame Conservative Crackdown on DEI for ‘Chilling Effect’ on Black Female Professors

Thursday’s edi­tion of the PBS New­sHour fea­tured anoth­er way for the tax­pay­er-sup­port­ed news out­let to sec­tion off cer­tain sub­jects from bal­anced dis­cus­sion — a “Race Mat­ters” seg­ment on the alleged strug­gles black women face in acad­e­mia had no dis­sent­ing voic­es, just the host and the guest ago­niz­ing over the pur­port­ed problem.The sto­ry was dri­ven by the sui­cide of a col­lege admin­is­tra­tor in Mis­souri and also, more puz­zling­ly, by the tra­vails of black aca­d­e­m­ic Clau­dine Gay, who resigned as pres­i­dent of Har­vard after her offen­sive per­for­mance fail­ing to con­demn anti-Semi­tism on her cam­pus, fol­lowed by proven instances of pla­gia­rism in her aca­d­e­m­ic work. Was it because she was black? That’s what PBS wants you to consider.Three black female aca­d­e­mics appeared as talk­ing heads to make rote com­plaints about “microag­gres­sions” and lack of insti­tu­tion­al sup­port, though frankly it’s hard to believe lib­er­al acad­e­mia wouldn’t bend over back­ward to help black pro­fes­sors succeed.Academia is espe­cial­ly tox­ic for polit­i­cal …