Eric Adams accused of sex­u­al assault when he was police offi­cer more than 30 years ago

Eric Adams accused of sexual assault when he was police officer more than 30 years ago

A for­mer police offi­cer detailed her alleged sex­u­al assault encounter with New York City May­or Eric Adams in a court fil­ing, claim­ing he mas­tur­bat­ed in front of her in 1993.
The $5 mil­lion law­suit filed at the New York Supreme Court on Mon­day cen­ters on alle­ga­tions that Adams sex­u­al­ly assault­ed a woman named Lor­na Beach-Mathu­ra more than 30 years ago. 

New York May­or Eric Adams responds to ques­tions dur­ing a news con­fer­ence at New York’s City Hall on Nov. 14, 2023. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Beach-Mathu­ra filed a legal sum­mons under the Adult Sur­vivors Act, which per­mits sur­vivors of sex­u­al mis­con­duct to bring law­suits inside a one-year win­dow that would nor­mal­ly be barred by the statute of lim­i­ta­tions.
“I am proud to file this com­plaint on behalf of my client, a woman whose strength aston­ish­es me,” Megan God­dard, a lawyer for Beach-Mathu­ra, told the Dai­ly Beast. “She knew that fil­ing this law­suit would cause her sig­ni …