Buck­eye blitz: Trump­world bat­tles ‘Old Guard’ Repub­li­cans for Ohio Sen­ate seat

Buckeye blitz: Trumpworld battles ‘Old Guard’ Republicans for Ohio Senate seat

The pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry sea­son may be over with Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump head­ing for a rematch, but sev­er­al down-bal­lot races are up for grabs that will deter­mine con­trol of Con­gress. Ohio’s pri­ma­ry on Tues­day will decide which Repub­li­can takes on Demo­c­ra­t­ic incum­bent Sen. Sher­rod Brown in Novem­ber, as well as con­gres­sion­al con­tests key to the GOP House major­i­ty. This series, Buck­eye Blitz, will exam­ine the pol­i­tics behind the races and the issues that will dri­ve 2024 turnout. Part One, below, looks at how the Ohio Sen­ate pri­ma­ry rep­re­sents the stark choic­es fa …