Biden judge’s ‘assas­si­nate’ hoax in Trump immu­ni­ty tri­al ripped

Biden judge’s ‘assassinate’ hoax in Trump immunity trial ripped

A fed­er­al judge’s sen­sa­tion­al line of ques­tions in for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s immu­ni­ty case, now before the Supreme Court, came under fire today from three for­mer mil­i­tary lead­ers who said “anti-Trump hys­te­ria” has tak­en over the judi­cial sys­tem and media.
The brief sup­port­ing Trump said that U.S. Appeals Judge Flo­rence Pan insult­ed the mil­i­tary and the for­mer pres­i­dent when she asked hypo­thet­i­cal­ly about Trump order­ing SEAL Team 6 to assas­si­nate a polit­i­cal rival.
Pres­sured for a quick yes or no by Pan, appoint­ed by Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, Trump’s lawyer John Sauer stuck with his belief that a pres­i­dent could face crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion only after being impeached by the House and con­vict­ed by the Sen­ate.
The lib­er­al media turned the judge’s ques­tion and Sauer’s response into head­lines and sto­ries sug­gest­ing that Trump’s team made the case that he could assas­si­nate rivals and get away with it.