Four House Repub­li­cans at risk of los­ing seats after Speak­er Johnson’s plea for uni­ty goes ignored

As Repub­li­cans strug­gle to keep their razor-thin major­i­ty in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives, the GOP is cam­paign­ing against itself, much to Speak­er Mike Johnson’s (R‑LA) dis­may.
John­son said he opposed House Repub­li­cans fight­ing fel­low mem­bers this pri­ma­ry sea­son, report­ed­ly telling them to “cool it” last week at the House GOP retreat in West Vir­ginia.
“I’ve asked them all to cool it,” John­son told CNN. “I am vehe­ment­ly opposed to mem­ber-on-mem­ber action in pri­maries because it’s not pro­duc­tive. And it caus­es divi­sion for obvi­ous rea­sons, and we should not be engag­ing in that.”
Here are four rep­re­sen­ta­tives at risk of los­ing their seats as fel­low Repub­li­cans chal­lenge them:
Rep. Tony Gon­za­les (R‑TX)
Gon­za­les, a cen­trist Repub­li­can, is fac­ing a runoff chal­lenge after he vot­ed to enact a bipar­ti­san gun con­trol act after the school shoot­ing in Uvalde, Texas.
“Look, what hap­pened in Uvalde should have nev­er hap­pened,” Gon­za­les said i …