The Net­works Still Push­ing The Blood­bath Hoax, Now Wrapped Around Jan­u­ary 6th

With The Blood­bath Hoax hav­ing been so swift­ly and thor­ough­ly debunked, the evening net­work news­casts had to scram­ble to find ways to keep this nar­ra­tive alive. It appears that they’ve set­tled on wrap­ping this lat­est hoax around the Capi­tol Riot of Jan­u­ary 6th, thus mag­i­cal­ly elim­i­nat­ing the need for con­text.
No sur­prise here, the most hys­ter­i­cal report comes via ABC World News Tonight and Jon Karl, who acknowl­edged that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s remarks were in fact about …