The Dems Try To Bank­rupt Trump. It’s Incred­i­bly Ugly.

The Dems Try To Bankrupt Trump. It’s Incredibly Ugly.

Pres­i­dent Trump is on the hook for a $454 mil­lion judg­ment, accord­ing to the courts in New York. Judge Arthur Engoron presided over a stacked court in the civ­il fraud pros­e­cu­tion that was brought against Don­ald Trump. And it was done specif­i­cal­ly in civ­il court, as opposed to crim­i­nal court, because the bur­den of proof is low­er in civ­il court.
This is the case in which Attor­ney Gen­er­al Leti­tia James came into office pledg­ing to tar­get Trump, which pros­e­cu­tors shou …