Biden Tries To Stop Texas From Enforc­ing The Bor­der. That’s Going To Hurt Biden’s Cam­paign.

Biden Tries To Stop Texas From Enforcing The Border. That’s Going To Hurt Biden’s Campaign.

Just how com­mit­ted is the Biden admin­is­tra­tion to an open bor­der?
This much: They’re still so com­mit­ted to an open bor­der that they’re now try­ing to stop the state of Texas from actu­al­ly enforc­ing the bor­der.
The state of Texas tried to erect barbed wire fenc­ing in the mid­dle of Shel­by Park, a Texas state park, to pre­vent ille­gal immi­grants from sim­ply rush­ing over and into the inte­ri­or of the Unit­ed States. The White House then ordered Bor­der Patrol to take down some of that fenc­ing. …