Lar­ry Hogan Leads Mary­land Demo­c­rat Rivals By Dou­ble Dig­its In Sen­ate Race Poll

Larry Hogan Leads Maryland Democrat Rivals By Double Digits In Senate Race Poll

For­mer Mary­land GOP Gov­er­nor Lar­ry Hogan is lead­ing his Demo­c­rat rivals by dou­ble dig­its, accord­ing to the results of a new sur­vey on this year’s race in the deep blue state for the seat held by retir­ing Sen. Ben Cardin (D‑MD).
The Wash­ing­ton Post-Uni­ver­si­ty of Mary­land poll found vot­ers say they would sup­port Hogan over Rep. David Trone (D‑MD) — 49% to 37% — if the elec­tion were held today. Vot­ers sim­i­lar­ly backed Hogan over Prince George’s Coun­ty Exec­u­tive Angela Also­brooks, 50% to 36%.
Despite the pos­i­tive results for Hogan, 55% of vot­ers said they would like the Democ­rats to main­tain con­trol of the U.S. Sen­ate while 35% said the same for Repub­li­cans. Anoth­er 11% had no opin­ion or sk …