Netanyahu assures GOP sen­a­tors that ‘great­est’ part of oper­a­tions in Gaza are over

Netanyahu assures GOP senators that ‘greatest’ part of operations in Gaza are over

Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu reas­sured Sen­ate Repub­li­cans that the “great­est part of their oper­a­tions” in Gaza is com­plete dur­ing a video con­fer­ence on Wednes­day.
Netanyahu gave Sen­ate Repub­li­cans an update on the sta­tus of the war, speak­ing with them for about 10–15 min­utes before tak­ing ques­tions. The prime minister’s vir­tu­al meet­ing with Sen­ate Repub­li­cans comes in the wake of Sen­ate Major­i­ty Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D‑NY) com­ments last week where he crit­i­cized the Israeli prime min­is­ter, say­ing he “has been too will­ing to tol­er­ate the civil­ian toll in Gaza.”
Netanyahu made it clear that Schumer’s speech last week, call­ing for new elec­tions in the coun­try, was not well received in response to a ques­tion, accord­ing to accounts from sev­er­al GOP sen­a­tors fol­low­ing their meet­ing.  

“Clear­ly the prime min­is­ter was not hap­py with Sen. Schumer’s speech nor was he hap­py with Pres­i­dent Biden’s praise for Sen. Schumer’s speech, but I think the Prime Min­is­ter …