News­Busters Pod­cast: Search Lurch, or Google Tilts Inter­net to the Left

NewsBusters Podcast: Search Lurch, or Google Tilts Internet to the Left

A new study by Free Speech Amer­i­ca found that Google was guilty of elec­tion inter­fer­ence on 41 occa­sions from 2008 to today. Dan Schnei­der, vice pres­i­dent of the MRC’s Free Speech Amer­i­ca project, explains all their find­ings.
In 2008, Google endorsed the rad­i­cal Sen. Barack Oba­ma just after he joined the Sen­ate in 2005, and cen­sored sup­port for Sen. Hillary Clin­ton. They’ll sup­press Democ­rats who are oppos­ing Google’s favorite can­di­date. They tend to sup­port the most rad­i­cal Demo­c­rat who they feel can win.
In 2016, Google employed both its algo­rithm and its “part­ners” in futile attempts to push Hillary Clin­ton over the fin­ish line. Short­ly after the elec­tion of Trump, at a com­pa­ny-wide meet­ing, Google’s CFO Ruth Porat promised Google employ­ees that the com­pa­ny would use its “grea …