Repub­li­cans’ sec­ond impeach­ment hear­ing to show­case Biden fam­i­ly ‘scam’

Republicans’ second impeachment hearing to showcase Biden family ‘scam’

House Repub­li­cans will hold their sec­ond pub­lic impeach­ment inquiry hear­ing on Wednes­day as they press for­ward with exam­in­ing whether Joe Biden used his polit­i­cal influ­ence as vice pres­i­dent to help his fam­i­ly prof­it.
The House Over­sight Com­mit­tee will host the hear­ing, titled “Influ­ence Ped­dling: Exam­in­ing Joe Biden’s Abuse of Pub­lic Office,” at 10 a.m. on Capi­tol Hill.
The Bidens “do not work as con­sul­tants or lawyers or advis­ers. The Bidens don’t sell a prod­uct or a ser­vice or a set of skills. The Bidens sell Joe Biden,” com­mit­tee Chair­man James Com­er (R‑KY) plans to say at the hear­ing, accord­ing to excerpts of his open­ing remarks obtained by the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er.
“The scam is sim­ple. The Biden fam­i­ly promis­es they can make a for­eign partner’s pr …