The View hosts are ‘excit­ed’ at prospect of ‘chains on Trump Tow­er’

The View hosts are ‘excited’ at prospect of ‘chains on Trump Tower’

The View hosts mocked for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump on Wednes­day for strug­gling to arrange a $454 mil­lion bond to com­ply with a New York court rul­ing in his civ­il fraud case involv­ing New York Attor­ney Gen­er­al Leti­tia James.
Trump lawyers said in a fil­ing that they approached 30 com­pa­nies and were unable to get an insur­er that issues court bonds to accept prop­er­ty as col­lat­er­al. They stat­ed that get­ting a bond in the judgment’s full amount was a “prac­ti­cal impos­si­bil­i­ty.”
“I can’t wait to see the chains on Trump Tow­er on Fifth Avenue. I’m kind of excit­ed about it,” co-host Sun­ny Hostin said.

The show seg­ment opened with host Whoopi Gold­berg announc­ing that “you-know-who” can­not “come up with the cash.” Her co-hosts respond­ed with gig­gling and laugh­ing as Gold­berg pre­tend­ed to be upset at the news.
“Do you need a tis­sue?” Joy Behar quipped.
“I don’t know if I’m laugh­ing or cry­ing,” Gold­berg respond­ed.
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