Boe­ing increas­ing­ly faces mar­ket tur­bu­lence

Boeing increasingly faces market turbulence

Aero­space man­u­fac­tur­ing giant Boeing’s stock has regained some alti­tude after the COVID-19 trav­el indus­try plum­met, but it con­tin­ues to face sig­nif­i­cant mar­ket tur­bu­lence. Reg­u­la­tors from mul­ti­ple coun­tries and agen­cies are sub­ject­ing the com­pa­ny to unusu­al­ly close scruti­ny, for good rea­son.
This year alone, one Boe­ing 737 Max had to make an emer­gency land­ing after a “plug door” came off at 16,000 feet. Ter­ri­fied pas­sen­gers fly­ing out of Port­land, Ore­gon, on Alas­ka Air­lines flight 1282 got to know the mean­ing of “explo­sive decom­pres­sion” up close.
Since that Jan. 5 inci­dent, many oth­er Boe­ing planes have been plagued by tech­ni­cal prob­lems, emer­gency land­ings, miss­ing pan­els, and mal­func­tion­ing parts. A 787 Dream­lin­er on the way to New Zealand took an unex­pect­ed nose­dive in mid-March. There was no crash, but 50 pas­sen­gers report­ed injuries. Ear­li­er that month, a 737 Max skid­ded off the run­way in Hous­ton.

In 2020, Boe­ing 787 air­planes had pro­duc­tion prob­lems as inspec­tors found flaws th …