CNN’s Fake News Jim Con­venes Legion of Dumb to Decry Trump’s ‘Blood­bath’ Line

In an unfor­tu­nate move for the coun­try, CNN’s morn­ing pro­gram­ming reshuf­fle has meant sub­ject­ing their tens of view­ers to an hour of Fake News Jim Acos­ta (as opposed to stash­ing him for a few hours on week­ends).
In turn, we’re stuck with seg­ments like one on Wednes­day in which he con­vened rule of experts fan Tom Nichols (who won’t say whether Tai­wan is a coun­try) and cocka­mamie pro­fes­sor Ruth Ben-Ghi­at for what one could only describe as a meet­ing of the Legion of Dumb to spew apoc­a­lyp­tic bile about Don­ald Trump.

I know none of you noticed yes­ter­day because no one watch­es CNN (except CNN staffers and peo­ple like us at @theMRC), but Fake News Jim host­ed a meet­ing of the Legion of Stu­pid (or Dumb, take your pick) yes­ter­day to pro­mote the blood­bath hoax
— Cur­tis Houck (@CurtisHouc …