Video shows ille­gal immi­grants storm­ing US bor­der wall

Video shows illegal immigrants storming US border wall

Immi­grants forced their way through Mex­i­can army sol­diers and crossed into Texas today, pow­er­ing through the state’s razor-wire fence and right up to the bor­der wall built by for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, accord­ing to wit­ness­es.
Video pro­vid­ed to Secrets tonight shows the scene that oth­ers have post­ed online and then a con­tin­u­a­tion to the bor­der wall.

The New York Post has shown the short­er clip and indi­cat­ed that the crowd totaled 100.
But a source close to U.S. bor­der offi­cials who took the video pro­vid­ed to Secrets said the crowd was about 900.
The source said the mob first over­whelmed Mex­i­can army troops and crossed the bor­der to the Unit­ed States. Road traf­fic in the area was at a stand­still dur­ing the cri­sis.
The video indi­cates it was tak­en before noon in El Paso near Mid­way Dri­ve and Loop 375.
A U.S. Cus­toms and Bor­der Pro­tec­tion state­ment to Spec­trum News said, “It wouldn’t be oper­a­tional­ly fea­si­ble f …