Wager­ing on March Mad­ness like­ly to break record amid sports bet­ting wave

Wagering on March Madness likely to break record amid sports betting wave

Sports bet­ting dur­ing this year’s March Mad­ness might break records as more states legal­ize wagers on the most-antic­i­pat­ed tour­na­ments in col­lege bas­ket­ball.
Adults will legal­ly bet some $2.72 bil­lion on the men’s and women’s NCAA bas­ket­ball tour­na­ments, which start­ed Thurs­day and will run through ear­ly April, accord­ing to an esti­mate by the Amer­i­can Gam­ing Asso­ci­a­tion. That fig­ure does not even count wagers that were made out­side of legal book­mak­ers, which are mas­sive.
As sports bet­ting becomes legal in more states every year, March Mad­ness has been beat­ing its pre­vi­ous records, and experts say that is like­ly again for the 2024 tour­na­ments.
“I think it’s a pret­ty rea­son­able expec­ta­tion that this year will pro­duce record amounts of legal wager­ing,” Geoff Zochodne, a sports bet­ting indus­try expert for Cov­ers, told the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er.
Zochodne, who said this year will “prob­a­bly be the biggest March Mad­ness ever” in terms of legal wager­ing, not­ed that more states have come on board and legal­ized bet­ting since last year’s tour­na­ments.
The tran­si­tion toward legal sports bet …