CBS Hamas Sym­pa­thiz­er Gets Excit­ed About U.S. Cease­fire Res­o­lu­tion

CBS Hamas Sympathizer Gets Excited About U.S. Ceasefire Resolution

CBS senior for­eign cor­re­spon­dent Hol­ly Williams pos­i­tive­ly beam­ing on Fri­day when she shared the news that the Biden admin­is­tra­tion would be putting for­ward a res­o­lu­tion in the Unit­ed Nations Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil call­ing for a cease­fire in the Israel/Hamas War. Of course, Williams was less con­cerned about the Israeli and Amer­i­can hostages being held in Hamas cap­tiv­i­ty than she was about get­ting Israel to stop killing ter­ror­ists.
In lead­ing into the seg­ment co-host Tony Dok­oupil tried to ensure that the hostages remained a cen­tral part of the equa­tion but Williams seem­ing­ly wasn’t inter­est­ed; keep­ing her focus on get­ting Israel to stop their cam­paign to erad­i­cate Hamas. Williams admit­ted she didn’t know if Biden’s res­o­lu­tion would amount to any­thing sub­stan­tive, but she was hyped that it seemed like he was start­ing to aban­don Israel:

DOKOUPIL: We’re hear­ing that there is opti­mism about a poten­tial cease­fire …