Most expect elec­tion vio­lence, blame media and Trump

Most expect election violence, blame media and Trump

Over three-quar­ters of the coun­try is fear­ful that the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion will turn vio­lent, the lat­est sign that the nation is brac­ing for divi­sion and clash­es not seen since the Civ­il War.
In the lat­est Bat­tle­ground Civil­i­ty Poll, 78% said they are con­cerned the elec­tion will become vio­lent, and they blame for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and the media most for stok­ing the fire. But Democ­rats also are shar­ing in the blame as many vot­ers appear to have giv­en up that com­pro­mise and calmer heads will rule the elec­tion.
“The axiom that it is always dark­est before the dawn seems par­tic­u­lar­ly apt,” said Tar­rance Group poll­sters Ed Goeas and Bri­an Nien­aber, the Repub­li­cans who joint­ly con­duct the poll with Demo­c­rat Celin­da Lake’s Lake Research Part­ners.
“Vot­ers,” added Lake’s team in a memo, “are con­cerned about their free­doms. They see many ways to strength­en democ­ra­cy but remain con­cerned about the lev­el of divi­sion in the coun­try, which they see as remark­ably close to civ­il war.”

Chart cour­tesy of the George­town Insti­tute of Pol­i­tics and Pub­lic Ser­vice.

It’s not just vot­ers. Lead­ing sur­vival­ists and prep­pers have told Secrets that they are ready­ing for vio­lence and have sug­gest­ed that the pub­lic stock up on food, water, and ammu­ni …