PBS Blows ‘Blood­bath’: ‘Lat­est Exam­ple of Don­ald Trump Using Vio­lent Rhetoric’

By now every­one has heard that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump threat­ened U.S. democ­ra­cy or some­thing by pre­dict­ing a “blood­bath” if he didn’t win re-elec­tion in Novem­ber. Trump didn’t actu­al­ly do that, as we know: His “blood­bath” com­ment, deliv­ered at a cam­paign ral­ly in Ohio, referred to tar­iffs on Chi­nese elec­tric cars poten­tial­ly being made in Mex­i­co, as a brief perusal of what Trump actu­al­ly said at the ral­ly in Ohio will con­firm. But that didn’t stop PBS New­sHour co-anchor Amna Nawaz from stat­ing Mon­day evening: “A look at for­mer Pre­si …