Ignore ‘Stu­pid March Polls!’ Joe Scar­bor­ough Goes Bagh­dad Bob For Biden

<div>Ignore 'Stupid March Polls!' Joe Scarborough Goes Baghdad Bob For Biden</div>

“I reas­sure you the Biden cam­paign is safe. There is no pres­ence of the Trump cam­paign in the streets of Amer­i­ca. None at all.” 

That para­phrase of Sad­dam spokesman Mohammed Said al-Sah­haf, aka “Bagh­dad Bob,” at the begin­ning of the Iraq war in 2003, with Amer­i­can tanks rum­bling into Bagh­dad, could have been Joe Scar­bor­ough on Fri­day’s Morn­ing Joe.
Scar­bor­ough claimed that Trump’s finan­cial tra­vails “are the sort of things that may not show up in stu­pid polls in March.”
He rolled tape of Nev­er Trumper Stu­art Stevens analo­giz­ing the Trump …