Bor­der Patrol chief says high num­ber of known got­aways keeps him ‘up at night’

Border Patrol chief says high number of known gotaways keeps him ‘up at night’

The head of the U.S. Bor­der Patrol called ille­gal immi­gra­tion a nation­al secu­ri­ty threat, say­ing that the high num­ber of known got­aways keeps him “up at night.”
Speak­ing with CBS News’s Face the Nation on Sun­day, Bor­der Patrol Chief Jason Owens warned that his agency is some­times stretched thin, with 20,000 agents pro­tect­ing near­ly 2,000 miles at the south­ern bor­der at all hours.
“[Car­tels] dic­tate what the flow is going to look like,” Owens said. “We respond to it, and we try and get out in front of it and deny them the abil­i­ty to use these areas, espe­cial­ly ones that we think are going to be dan­ger­ous for us and for the migrants.”

Bor­der Patrol Chief Jason Owens calls the sit­u­a­tion at the U.S. south­ern bor­der a “nation­al secu­ri­ty threat.” He tells @camiloreports “what’s keep­ing me up at nigh …