Celebri­ties take to social media to ring in Palm Sun­day

The Chris­t­ian hol­i­day of Palm Sun­day brought a vari­ety of posts on social media in cel­e­bra­tion.
Actor Mark Wahlberg, team­ing up with the Chris­t­ian app Hal­low, shared a post ask­ing “how you’re choos­ing Christ every day” ahead of the hol­i­day.
“To fol­low Jesus, we must make a con­scious choice to put our rela­tion­ship with Him above every­thing else,” Wal­h­berg says. “When we deny our­selves the things that keep us from God, we’re bet­ter able to see the cross­es God is call­ing us to car­ry.”
Palm Sun­day comes a week before East­er and is meant to com­mem­o­rate the begin­ning of the final week of the life of Jesus Christ.

Sev­er­al politi­cians also took to social media to hon­or the holiday.“Wishing every­one a blessed Palm Sun­day,” Rep. Elise Ste­fanik (R‑NY) wrote on X.

“John 12:13- They took palm branch­es and went out to meet him, shout­ing, ‘Hosan­na!’ ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ‘Blessed is …