Chuck Todd Leads NBC ‘Meet the Press’ MELTDOWN Over NBC Hir­ing of Ex-RNC Boss

<div>Chuck Todd Leads NBC 'Meet the Press' MELTDOWN Over NBC Hiring of Ex-RNC Boss</div>

Inter­nal lib­er­al out­rage boiled over into an on-air strug­gle ses­sion on Meet the Press. NBC just hired Ron­na McDaniel imme­di­ate­ly after she was removed as Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee leader, and so mod­er­a­tor Kris­ten Welk­er punched away at McDaniel for 20 min­utes, and when that was fin­ished, they had a round­table about the hor­ror of NBC’s hir­ing, com­bined with this awk­ward inter­view, which was sched­uled before the per­son­nel move. 
Every­one on set seemed bliss­ful­ly unaware of how it looked to the pub­lic when NBC was nego­ti­at­ing with White House press sec­re­tary Jen Psa­ki about a posi­tion while she was still at the White House. No one’s ever com­plained in a Sun­day morn­ing melt­down.
For­mer host Chuck Todd began the inter­nal decom­pres­sion with a ful­some apol­o­gy: 

TODD: Look, let me deal with the ele­phant in the room. I think our boss­es owe you an apol­o­gy for putting you in this sit­u­a­tion beca …