FLASHBACK: The Media LOST IT When Mueller Declined to Charge Trump

FLASHBACK: The Media LOST IT When Mueller Declined to Charge Trump

Five years ago this week­end, a con­fused and dis­ori­ent­ed lib­er­al media was forced to deal with the fact that Robert Mueller had end­ed his inves­ti­ga­tion of the Trump campaign’s alleged “col­lu­sion” with Rus­sia with­out rec­om­mend­ing any charges against the then-Pres­i­dent. Just like that, “Rus­si­a­gate” was over.
Jour­nal­ists had obsessed over Mueller’s inves­ti­ga­tion since he was appoint­ed on May 17, 2017. From that date until May 21, 2019 (the night before Mueller hand­ed in his report), the three evening news­casts alone had cranked out an unprece­dent­ed 1,909 min­utes of cov­er­age. Intense as that was, it paled beside the uncount­ed thou­sands of hours of cov­er­age on the lib­er­al cable net­works, CNN and MSNBC.
“Democ­rats are dream­ing of a Water­gate-like gotcha moment,” NBC’s Chuck Todd …