Matt Gaetz ‘Unleashed The Demons’ In GOP When He ‘Drove Kevin McCarthy Out,’ Newt Gin­grich Says

Matt Gaetz ‘Unleashed The Demons’ In GOP When He ‘Drove Kevin McCarthy Out,’ Newt Gingrich Says

For­mer House Speak­er Newt Gin­grich (R‑GA) blames the cur­rent House GOP dys­func­tion on Rep. Matt Gaetz of Flori­da.
Gin­grich appeared on Fox News on Fri­day with host Lau­ra Ingra­ham to bemoan the chaos that has frac­tured the House Repub­li­can cau­cus and which threat­ens to oust the sec­ond Repub­li­can speak­er since Octo­ber. He said trou­ble with­in the cau­cus has con­tributed to a series of ear­ly depar­tures with­in the GOP that has made its slight major­i­ty even small­er.
“We shouldn’t under­es­ti­mate how bad what Matt Gaetz d …