Matthew Whitak­er argues Trump’s indict­ments are meant to keep him ‘off the cam­paign trail’

Matthew Whitaker argues Trump’s indictments are meant to keep him ‘off the campaign trail’

For­mer act­ing Attor­ney Gen­er­al Matthew Whitak­er con­demned the mul­ti­tude of legal bat­tles that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump faces, argu­ing that they are meant to dis­tract from his pres­i­den­tial bid.
The spe­cif­ic legal feud that Whitak­er was speak­ing out against was Trump’s New York civ­il fraud case, in which the for­mer pres­i­dent is required to pay a $454 mil­lion bond by Mon­day. Whitak­er went on to pre­dict that while the tri­als are inter­fer­ences for Trump, Trump will ulti­mate­ly pre­vail.
“It’s a desire to keep Don­ald Trump in court and off the cam­paign trail, and I just think ulti­mate­ly it fails,” Whitak­er said in an inter­view on News­max.

The dead­line is when New York Attor­ney Gen­er­al Leti­tia James could start col­lec­tion on his busi­ness and real estate inter­ests in New York, which would include Trump Tow­er and Trump Nation­al …