Retired Jus­tice Stephen Brey­er sig­nals sup­port for age and term lim­its in the Supreme Court

Retired Justice Stephen Breyer signals support for age and term limits in the Supreme Court

Retired Supreme Court Jus­tice Stephen Brey­er sig­naled his sup­port for age and term lim­its for Supreme Court jus­tices.
In an inter­view with NBC News’s Meet the Press, Brey­er was asked if he sup­port­ed term or age lim­its for jus­tices amid wider scruti­ny of age in the Supreme Court and pol­i­tics gen­er­al­ly. He answered by say­ing he didn’t have a prob­lem with it, but that terms should be long to pre­serve the integri­ty of the court.
“I’ve said, and I think it’s true, I don’t think that’s harm­ful,” he said, regard­ing term or age lim­its. “If you had long terms, for exam­ple, they’d have to be long. Why long? Because I don’t think you want some­one who’s appoint­ed to the Supreme Court to be think­ing about his next job. And so, a 20-year term? I don’t know, 18? Long term? Fine. Fine. I don’t think that woul …