Rubio: FBI Direc­tor ‘Con­firmed To Me’ A Traf­fick­ing Net­work Exists That Smug­gles ISIS-Linked Peo­ple Into U.S.

Rubio: FBI Director ‘Confirmed To Me’ A Trafficking Network Exists That Smuggles ISIS-Linked People Into U.S.

Sen. Mar­co Rubio (R‑FL) said over the week­end that FBI Direc­tor Christo­pher Wray con­firmed to him that a traf­fick­ing net­work exists that smug­gles ille­gal aliens into the U.S. who have ties to ISIS.
Rubio made the remarks dur­ing a Sun­day inter­view on ABC News’ “This Week” while dis­cussing ISIS‑K’s dev­as­tat­ing ter­ror­ist attack in Moscow late last week, which killed well over a hun­dred peo­ple.
“ISIS‑K, ISIS-Kho­rasan, is large­ly the Afghan-wing of ISIS,” Rubio said. “It’s recon­sti­tut­ed itself as we warned would hap­pen when we had this dis­as­trous with­draw­al from Afghanist …