CREEPY Cape­hart Lusts for New York AG Leti­tia James to Take Over Trump Tow­er!

CREEPY Capehart Lusts for New York AG Letitia James to Take Over Trump Tower!

PBS and MSNBC are some­times hard to tell apart. On Fri­day night’s PBS New­sHour pun­dit pan­el, for­mer MSNBC per­son­al­i­ty Geoff Ben­nett raised the unprece­dent­ed, norm-shat­ter­ing $454 mil­lion civ­il bond hang­ing over Don­ald Trump from the civ­il-fraud tri­al of Demo­c­rat Attor­ney Gen­er­al Leti­tia James.
Ben­nett played a Fox News clip where host Martha Mac­Cal­lum asked Trump lawyer Ali­na Hab­ba if Trump would go to for­eign lead­ers for mon­ey, like Joy Behar is claim­ing. Hab­ba evad­ed an answer. 
PBS, show­ing a Fox News clip? But they hate Fox. Here’s the thing: MSNBC played this clip on eight dif­fer­ent pro­grams on Wednes­day and Thurs­day, start­ing with Joy Reid. Jim­my Kim­mel also played the clip in his mono­logue. 
PBS pun­dit — and MSNBC week­end host — Jonathan Cape­hart said going to for­eign gov­ern­ments would be dumb: “I think some­one w …