Dozens of con­ser­v­a­tive groups call on Con­gress to strike down con­tro­ver­sial SEC cli­mate rule

Dozens of conservative groups call on Congress to strike down controversial SEC climate rule

EXCLUSIVE — Dozens of con­ser­v­a­tive-lean­ing groups are call­ing on Con­gress to strike down a con­tro­ver­sial new Secu­ri­ties and Exchange Com­mis­sion rule that would require large cor­po­ra­tions to issue dis­clo­sures about their car­bon emis­sions.
The SEC vot­ed to adopt the rule, which requires com­pa­nies to issue reports to investors on the effects of their oper­a­tions on cli­mate change, ear­li­er this month in a 3–2 vote. The groups in the let­ter call for Con­gress to “use all of the leg­isla­tive pow­ers at your dis­pos­al” to over­turn the rule.
The sig­na­to­ries brand­ed the rule as a “rad­i­cal cli­mate agen­da” reg­u­la­tion that “sti­fles Amer­i­can inno­va­tion through moun­tains of paper­work and end­less red tape.”
“The SEC is tasked with reg­u­lat­ing secu­ri­ties — stocks and bonds — not maneu­ver­ing a destruc­tive cli­mate agen­da behind the backs of Amer­i­cans’ duly elect …