Judge Dis­miss­es Trump’s Attempt To Delay Hush Mon­ey Tri­al

Judge Dismisses Trump’s Attempt To Delay Hush Money Trial

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s attempt to fur­ther delay the hush mon­ey tri­al against him was dis­missed on Mon­day by Judge Juan Mer­chan, who moved for­ward with the April 15 start date.
Trump appeared in a Man­hat­tan court­room Mon­day morn­ing and request­ed anoth­er delay in the case against him, where he is charged with fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records while cov­er­ing up an alleged affair with porn actress Stormy Daniels. Ear­li­er this month, Mer­chan moved the tri­al start date to April 15 after Trump’s attor­neys argued that they need­ed more time to review a new dump of rough­ly 19 …