Kevin Bacon Agrees To Vis­it High School Where ‘Foot­loose’ Was Filmed Fol­low­ing Stu­dent Cam­paign

Kevin Bacon Agrees To Visit High School Where ‘Footloose’ Was Filmed Following Student Campaign

Actor Kevin Bacon con­firmed that he’ll return to the high school where the icon­ic dance movie “Foot­loose” was filmed more than four decades ago.
Stu­dents at Payson High School in Payson, Utah, have spent months work­ing on a social media cam­paign using the hash­tag “Bacon­To­Payson” to con­vince the actor to vis­it their school for prom this year. Stu­dents did so by recre­at­ing scenes from the movie and post­ing dance sequences on Tik­Tok, per Today.
That effort was suc­cess­ful, as the actor promised to vis­it the school on the day of the prom. Bacon announced he planned to revis­it the school 41 years after film­ing “Foot­loose.”
“I have been so impressed with every­thing that’s been going on there with this crazy idea to get me to come back,” Bacon said in a video announce­ment to the stu­dents. “I’ve been amazed at the wo …