New GOP major­i­ty ‘failed’ to get con­ser­v­a­tive wins: CPAC’s Schlapp

New GOP majority ‘failed’ to get conservative wins: CPAC’s Schlapp

Elec­tion night 2022 brought a lot of hope among Wash­ing­ton Repub­li­cans that the new GOP major­i­ty would result in major vic­to­ries.
But since that night, the House has instead stum­bled through speak­er fights and pol­i­cy dif­fer­ences, prompt­ing the No. 1 scor­er of Repub­li­cans to call it a failed peri­od.
“Despite the pres­ence of more oppor­tu­ni­ties to vote on key issues and their major­i­ty in the House, Repub­li­cans gen­er­al­ly failed to have any major pos­i­tive effect on the over­all state of affairs in Con­gress,” said Matt Schlapp, the Con­ser­v­a­tive Polit­i­cal Action Conference’s chair­man, in his annu­al rat­ings score card from the group’s Cen­ter for Leg­isla­tive Account­abil­i­ty.
“Much of the year was wast­ed on con­tin­u­ing res­o­lu­tions that kept in place Nan­cy Pelosi’s exor­bi­tant spend­ing poli­cies and failed Con­gres­sion­al Review Act res­o­lu­tions that let the cor­rupt bureau­cra­cy in the exec­u­tive branch main­tain its …