New home sales fall as mort­gage rates weigh down hous­ing mar­ket

New home sales fall as mortgage rates weigh down housing market

New home sales fell in Feb­ru­ary as the hous­ing mar­ket felt the effects of high­er mort­gage rates, which have remained at mul­ti­year highs for months.
New home sales fell 0.3% from Jan­u­ary to 662,000, accord­ing to a Mon­day report from the Cen­sus Bureau. Nev­er­the­less, the num­ber of new home sales is near­ly 6% high­er than it was in Feb­ru­ary of last year, in part because the inven­to­ry of pre-owned homes is so low that buy­ers have been forced into the mar­ket for new stock.
The medi­an sales price for a new home was $400,500 in Feb­ru­ary. The medi­an price has now fall­en for three con­sec­u­tive months and, notably, is the low­est it has been since June 2021, when mort­gage rates were ultra-low, typ­i­cal­ly below 3%.
Prices for new home sales have …