STUDY: PBS ‘Wash­ing­ton Week’ Jour­nal­ist Round­table Rou­tine­ly Hates Repub­li­cans

<div>STUDY: PBS 'Washington Week' Journalist Roundtable Routinely Hates Republicans</div>

Wash­ing­ton Week with The Atlantic, pub­lic television’s tax­pay­er-fund­ed week­ly polit­i­cal round­table ana­lyz­ing the major news sto­ries of the week, is brazen enough to tout itself as “objective….known for its depth, bal­ance, and civ­il dis­course.” 
But a review of six months of episodes after the launch of Wash­ing­ton Week’s part­ner­ship with The Atlantic mag­a­zine (August 11, 2023 — Feb­ru­ary 9, 2024) proved lib­er­al­ism still reigns over the pub­lic air­waves.
Key Find­ings:

More than half (88) of the 157 top­ics addressed focused on Repub­li­cans, over twice as many as those focused on Democ­rats (38).
The pan­elists spent 149 min­utes opin­ing about Repub­li­cans, near­ly 90% in neg­a­tive fash­ion. The Democ­rats rece …