Andy Kim will back move­ment to get rid of the coun­ty line now ben­e­fit­ing him

Andy Kim will back movement to get rid of the county line now benefiting him

Rep. Andy Kim (D‑NJ) will be placed on the coun­ty line in a major­i­ty of New Jer­sey coun­ties ahead of the state’s pri­ma­ry despite him fil­ing a law­suit to do away with the line. 
In the wake of New Jer­sey first lady Tam­my Mur­phy drop­ping out of the race to replace Sen. Bob Menen­dez (D‑NJ), Kim is the like­ly nom­i­nee. He will be placed on the coun­ty line in 19 of the 21 coun­ties that use the sys­tem. 
“They did ask if I would sub in if Tam­my Mur­phy were to make that deci­sion not to run, so I agreed to do so,” Kim said. He con­firmed he met with coun­ty offi­cials in coun­ties where Mur­phy was slat­ed to be placed on the line and that he would replace her.
The coun­ty line has come under scruti­ny in the past few weeks after Kim filed a law­suit against coun­ty clerks who use the line, claim­ing it is “uncon­sti­tu­tion­al.”
The coun­ty line places par­ty-backed …