MSNBC’s Wal­lace Throws Juve­nile Melt­down Over McDaniel Pol­lut­ing NBC’s ‘Sacred Air­waves’

MSNBC’s Rich, White, Lib­er­al, Wine Mom Sto­ry Hour (aka Dead­line: White House) made sure Mon­day after­noon to add its voice to the shriek­ing, almost infan­tile-like melt­down across the lib­er­al media over par­ent com­pa­ny NBC’s deci­sion to hire for­mer Repub­li­can Nation­al Com­mit­tee Chair­woman Ron­na McDaniel as a paid con­trib­u­tor.
Over three seg­ments, host Nicolle Wal­lace melt­ed down over McDaniel (or, to be hon­est, any Trump sup­port­er) pol­lut­ing “our sacred air­waves.” By Tues­day after­noon, the out­rage worked as Puck’s Dylan Byers first report­ed she’d be dropped from the com­pa­ny.

From the get-go, the queen of apoc­a­lyp­tic, hid­ing-under-the-cov­ers but pious rhetoric went straight to a ten: “The ti …